Scylla Sunday

I am letting it all hang out, Mommy says this is most unladylike and that I should keep my private parts covered.

I say being a lady is highly overrated.

Mommy says I am gong to make Brain blush, are you blushing Brian?

Mommy also says I am going to fall off, that just goes tot show you Mommy doesn't know anything.

See I didn't fall off.

But OK, I did mess up Mommy's stuff. I am sorry Mommy. ~Scylla, Reporting for Alasandra, The Cats & Dogs


CATachresis said...

Sending purrs and prayers for Socks xx

Scylla, you make a very beautiful mess :)

Everycat said...

Scylla, we say spread wide with pride girl. Ladylike is SO last century.

Still sending love and purrs for Socks

Gerry, Mungo & The Ape xx

Avalon Cat Cartoons said...

Poor Socks. Thinking about him in the hope he will get better.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Everyone we so appreciate your purrs for Socks, so far he is eating good and we don't know anything from the biopsies. It will probably be Wed. or Thursday before we do.

Glad you enjoyed my post. ~Scylla

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Scylla I think you are just too cute! love, Cody

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Hey, that's what the airbrushing feature is for. LOL! ~ IZA

The Florida Furkids said...

We think you're adorable!! We're glad you didn't fall!

Purrs still going out for Socks.

The Florida Furkids

The Island Cats said...

Scylla, I agree. Being a lady is overrated. Sometimes a girl's just gotta let it all hang out!


Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Thanks fur visiting our blog and wishing Benji a happy birthday. Us Shelties love to sleep on our backs - eventhough u r a cat, we think u must be part Shetland Sheepdog. :) Have a great day.

SeaThreePeeO said...

Some times Scylla, even the most ladylike ladycats have to let it all hang out.

The Paw Relations

Brian's Home Blog said...

Hey beautiful Scylla, I'm not blushing...but I am rushing over to bring you some Sunday snuggles!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Ciara would so agree with you, it is much more important to be comfy than ladylike:)

Happy Sunday.

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

Terri said...

Scylla, we're sure you have nothing everyone and their kitties haven't already seen ;)

We hope Socks is still doing nerve racking to wait on tests!

Anonymous said...

We are thinking of Socks! Hope all is ok!
Oh Scylla, you are too cute. We mess up Momma's stuff like that all the time, just on lower surfaces like the coffee table!

Marg said...

That sure is a good way to take it easy Scylla. Hope you and Brian have some good snuggles. Take care and hope that Socks is feeling all right.

Julia Williams said...

Scylla,you are sooooo funny!! Tummmies are for showing off, whether you're a ladycat or a mancat, so you have that right.

My feline gang and I will continue to purr for Socks.

Katnip Lounge said...

Scylla, Mommy agrees with you about the "ladylike" thing! And the boys here got a little bit warm, reading this post...

Clooney said...

Scylla, great tummy shots, we are sure Brian will adore them! We want to give our biggest purrs and prayers to Socks and we are praying for good test results for him. We are glad he is eating and we hope he continues to feel better and better.

Ikaika said...

Laughing with Scylla and sending lots of healing energy to Socks.