Mancat Monday

 Rats she found me! I was trying to hide from Mom, but that tattletale Fenny told her where I was at.

She would never find me without him. I was rudely carted off to the Vet Friday where they stole more of my bloods. I got a good report though and now I only has to take my medicine on Mondays and Thursdays. I will go back in a month for them to steal more blood and if I am still doing good I will be able to stop taking my medicine. I think they will also check to see how my thyroid is doing then. As much as I don't like just eating y/d foods please purr that the food is working and my thyroid is being controlled.  ~Socks reporting for ATCAD


Old Kitty said...

Beautiful Socks!! That is indeed great news! We continue to purr purr purr that your meds and diet continue to work!

Take care

Katie Isabella said...

Sweetheart, my mommy remembers about that as her Admiral had thyroid problems. She took her meds the rest of her life and her thyroid was well controlled.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Socks that is CATABULOUS news that you got a good report and that you are able to cut back on your meds!!! ****clapping paws*****
Love, Cody

The Island Cats said...

Wow, Socks, you're high up there! And we're glad you got a good report from the vet. Keep it up!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Katie Isabella, Mommy wishes I could still take the medicine for my thyroid. It did a good job controlling my thyroid unfortunately it triggered my anemia. So now we are depending on the y/d diet and it will only work if I don't eat anything else and I keep sneaking foods.

Thanks for stopping by everyone.

Fur Everywhere said...

We hopes your thyroid is doing well on the y/d noms. Prescription foods are pretty good for helping us with diseases. We will pray that everything continues to go well for you.

Hannah and Lucy said...

We will keep purring for you Socks and hope you can get another good report next time.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Swami Zoe said...

Brofur Apollo would love to climb trees with you! Me-Ommmmm

Terri said...

We love good news! Enjoy the whiffies and any tasty morsels you might find out there ;)

Anonymous said...

I purring for you! That is a great hiding place. I would do the same except outdoor heights scare me.

Love, Scout

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood...ewe can betcha we will send purrayers yur way yur thigh o roid iz under controll... sorree ya still canna eat any trout tho but way happee ta see ya finded a BURD free tree..... even if fenris is a TT ;)

Life with Ragdolls said...

I am praying and purring REALLY hard for you, Socks!

Ps: Happy Veterans Day! We have celebrated at TLOA.

Timmy Tomcat said...

Sounds like you are doing pretty well there Sock my furend.
We will keep the purrs coming
Timmy and family

Anonymous said...

Well done, S. I am happy your bloods are looking good. Mom and I will say prayers that your food is doing its job.

Love and licks,

Pat Wahler said...

Excellent news! Also an excellent hiding place.

Critter Alley

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We are glad we dont have to get shots and probes fer 2 more big moons!

Anonymous said...

Sweet Socks we are very happy to hear the good report. Keep doing better and better sweetie. Hugs and nose kisses

Anonymous said...

whew! Socks!! that is totally pawsome...welll...ummmm...except for the part about "stealing your red fluids"...but...your are looking very mancatly, I must say...purrrrs, Savvy