Scylla Needs Purrs

My tail got hurted. I had to go to the vet today and they shaved my tail and sewed it back together. I am a very lucky lady even though the blood vessels and nerves were exposed they were intact and if all goes well I will get to keep my tail. Mommy promises the hair will grow back. You can see more pictures on my Facebook page. ~Scylla reporting for ATCAD


Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh my sweet lady, I am so sorry you got hurt and my healing purrs will be coming to you around the clock. Love you Scylla.

meowmeowmans said...

OMC! Scylla, we are sorry you got hurt, sweet one. We are purring and praying that you will not be in too much pain, and that you heal very soon. Hugs!

Cathy Keisha said...

How did you get so hurted? I hope you get to keep your tailio. Of course, manx are beautiful too so you could pretend to be a manx if Cod forbid you can’t keep it.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Oh Scylla! Did you get "rocking-chaired" or something? Accidents DO happen. But we are purring fer yer talio...

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

So sorry to hear you got hurt,Scylla. We hope your tail heals nicely. Bummer on that cone.

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

Life with Ragdolls said...

Oh dear, what has happened to your tail? I'm so sorry about whatever happened to it, accidents do happen though. I hope you get better ASAP!! Please keep us updated on this!


m.q said...

we bet your tail will be ok like nothing ever happen

BoBo Salem
The Meow Meow Family

Zoolatry said...

We hope you will soon be back to swishing and swinging and swatting with that beautiful tail of yours!
Hugs and purrs,
The Zoolatry Girls

Old Kitty said...

Awwww sweet Scylla!! Sending you many purrs and healing hugs! Take care

Hannah and Lucy said...

Oh Scylla how did that happen to your lovely tail - it must be so ouchie for you. We are sending our purrs to you (and your Mom) and hope you will feel a bit better each and every day.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Oh poor Scylla! I am glad the vet was able to sew your tail back and hope it heals well so you can keep it. I am sending strong tail healing purrs.

Anonymous said...

Poor Scylla....I'm so sorry this happened to your beautiful tail. I bet that was REALLY painful but I'm glad the vet could fix it for you. I hope it heals Purrfectly and you get your pretty furs back. Try to rest and soon that nasty old cone will be gone and your tail will feel good again. Sending healing purrrrrrrrs.

Hugs, Sammy

Hilary said...

Oh sweetie.. I am sorry. Hang in there… I know how uncomfortable you must be but your family and your family will be taking such good care of you. If you get scared call out to Alex… He understands tail issues… and will help...

Timmy Tomcat said...

Oh meow my Scylla
We are all so glad your beautiful tail will be ok.
We are purring fur you
Timmy and Furmaly

Fuzzy Tales said...

Acck! Poor sweetie pie, how on earth did you hurt your tail so badly?

We're sending tons of purrs and universal healing Light that it heals well.

Hugs and smooches.

Maggie May said...

Sending you lots and lots of tail healing purrs!!
Maggie May

Marg said...

We sure send lots and lots of purrs for your tail Scylla. Hope it heals up really fast. We are all crossing our paws also. Take good care.

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Oh, Scylla! That sounds awful! I'm sending purrs for yer tale!

Pip said...

Sweet Scylla,
We sure hopes your tail gets better soon! A kitty needs a tail to tell our humans how we are feeling. I will thump my tail for you so the humans will know how much you not like the cone of silence! (But you should not acause it might hurt your boo-boo.)
We are purring for you.
Your pals, TK and Pip

Quill and Greyson said...

We are sending huge healing purrs to you sweet girl!!

JC said...

Oh no and you have the dreaded cone. I hope you get to keep your tail.

We'll all be thinking of you and that's a lot over here.


JC and The Purr and Fur Gang

Marilia said...

Purring and sending my best wishes!

Marilia said...

Purring and sending my best wishes!

Anonymous said...

SCYLLA!! *dashes to teleport*. Here I am...let me hold your paw sweet furriend...I will stay by your side until you feel better....*purrring commences*

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Sending lots and lots of purrs your way, Scylla.. get well soon!
~ The Bunch

Marilynn said...

LOTS of our purrrrrrssss and prayers for Scylla ... her vet purson must be VERY skilled and brilliant. We'll purrrrrrr and pray for excellent healing.

Grace & Company


Sweetie we are sending massive purrs to you. We hope the healing goes well.

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

dat musta hurt!*shudderin* ^..^ x5 we so sorry to hear dat, we send soft healing purrz dat you tail getz better an dat you get to keep your tail! ^..^ x5 ♥ xoxo ♥

Anonymous said...

Oh, Scylla, please feel better soon. And I'm sure your wonderful fur grows back soon.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

Scylla.....My stars girl...all the best from all of us that your tail heals...The many many blessings of St Francis to you...we are sorry this happened...we don't have face book so please let us know later on, here at blogger, how you are doing..... hugs from Dai$y and the boys♥♥♥ said...

Ouch, poor Scylla, that must be very painful. Sorry you were injured, and hope you heal very fast.

John Bellen said...

Good Heavens, what an injury. I'm glad everyone thinks the tail will heal well. The best wishes to you, Scylla.

Forty Paws said...

Many purrs and purrayers and headbutts to you and your tail! We sure hope that you get to keep it! It is important to let beans know when you are ticked off!

Luf, Us

Pattyskypants said...

Well, don't worry! There is a kitty with no tail who hangs out on our porch and I purrsonally think it's a good look! So, either way, you're gonna be fine! xxoo Bhu

Mariodacat said...

OMG - How horrible for you. Not your bootiful tail. I'm sending you tons of purrs so you get better and keep your tail.

Everycat said...

Oh Scylla! I just learned about your poor tail! I am sending you my best rumbly purrs and some love to help your tail heal.


& The Ape xx

Rascal and Rocco said...

Praying for quick healing for your purrty tail!

Jacqueline said...

Oh no, we are purring and praying for you to recover soon, beautiful Scylla...We hope you feel better asap and are no longer in pain, sweetie...xoxo...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki, Mommy Cat, Daddy Cat

Katie Isabella said...

How are you darling girl? Please say all is well?