Tuiren Tuesday

We are very annoyed someone has been shooting guns around here. They almost shot our neighbor as she was coming home from church in her own driveway, they did shoot her son's truck. The dummies were shooting at beaver, they must be awful shots cause the bullet went from their yard through our yard to our neighbors yard. The son went showed them the bullet in his truck and talked to them so maybe they will STOP!!!!

But now Mommy wants us to stay inside all the time. She is afraid we are going to get shot.

We want to play outside.

Please humans make some common sense gun laws so people don't have to worry about their pets or themselves getting shot in their own yards by idiots with guns.

We love being outside in the Spring, we want to enjoy OUR YARD and OUR PORCH.

~Tuiren, reporting for ATCAD


The Florida Furkids said...

That's awful! We hope they stop so you can get outside and enjoy Spring.

The Florida Furkids

Loulou said...

Who on earth are the neighbors who SHOOT near homes and cars and animal. And what do they do with the beavers, if they hit one. Seems they are not very good shots. The most dangerous gun owner of all....

Summer said...

That is so irresponsible! With us living in Los Angeles - the big city in a big blue state - you'd think we wouldn't have those sort of problems but we actually do! Somebody has been sneaking around late at night trying to shoot coyotes in our neighborhood! It has a lot of the humans living here very upset.

Julie said...

Oh pleeeease stay safe and inside for the moment until this is sorted out
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Anonymous said...

Very sad.....even if there are laws people break them and use their guns anyway. So many animals AND humans as well as property are in danger. If people want to hunt they should do it away from neighborhoods - that's just common sense and sadly a lot of people don't have ANY of that!

Hugs, Pam and Sam

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Well apparently his shooting isn't against the law (as written), unless he actually hits a PERSON with his bullet. We are going to talk to one of the Supervisors and see if they can do something, before someone does get hit.

Rumpy said...

This makes me feel sad. Why do people have to be so mean? Maybe the shooting people will end up shooting themselves and you can all be safe again. Sounds cruel, I know, but if they're going to harm someone, let it be themselves.

Anonymous said...

Guns! Yikes! Your mom is smart to keep you close to home. But I agree - that is not fun. Unfortunately, idiots will always manage to have guns, laws or no laws. I hope the guy with the gunshot in his truck called the police. Stay safe.

Love and licks,

The Island Cats said...

Oh no! We hope they stop shooting guns. Somebuddy could get hurt...or worse.

Katie Isabella said...

Please ---I have no idea where you live but there are usually ordinances about shotting in towns and cities whether or not they are obeyed...there usually are. IF there are not, you and other neighbors might consider attending the very next City Council meeting and demand an ordinance to be drafted and put into law there that is enforceable. To shoot where there is no safe backdrop is going to be death to someone if a stop is not put to it. The citizens need to make the mayor if you have one, listen and act.
Shooting beavers? Why, I wonder? Is that not cruelty to animals? Should they be able to kill wildlife that has no "season" to kill them, as with deer and fowl in the air? This is horrible and the next targets will be pets f they aren't already. Sorry to rant but that raised the hair on the back of my neck thinking of the danger you are all in. If you delete this I will certainly understand.

Terri said...

Humans are sometimes complete idiots. We hope this stops so you can enjoy time outside.

Murphy said...

Can't authorities educate these shooters a bit? Stay safe!

Keep Calm & Bark On!

Murphy & Stanley

Jans Funny Farm said...

Well, that's no fun. In fact, it's scary. Some people have no common sense or care about consequences.

Millie and Walter said...

OMD Tuiren! That is very scary. I know how much fun it can be to play outside but it is better for you to stay safe inside. We also live where people can shoot guns and hunt in their backyards but you have to be 500 feet from any dwelling. Most of the properties are fairly large at about 5 acres and up (we have 5 acres). We do hear guns going off behind our house sometimes but there is lots of woods between us and any other homes. Fortunately we have never had any bullets come into our yard (that we know of) but we did have a hunter walk into our yard claiming he was following a deer he had hit but we never saw a deer running from him.

We hope your pawrents can do something to stop your neighbors from being so reckless and keep them from doing more damage than they already have. Please keep all of you safe from the loonies.

Yours truely,


Millie and Walter said...

P.S. I was so worried about your safety that I forgot to say how lovely you look in all those pictures. Yours, Walter

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Well, that doesn't sound good. We hope your mom and your neighbor reported those stupid humans. Stay safe.

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

Kristian said...

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pilch92 said...

That is scary, I think you should stay in.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

It's OK Katie Isabella as we understand where you are coming from. We live in the County not the city so the laws are a bit different. Beaver are considered nuisance animals (they destroy a lot of things unfortunately including roads and bridges). I talked to one of the Supervisors for my County (he used to work in law enforcement) and he had several good ideas of how to use the ordinance to make the man stop. Hopefully when Mommy yelled yesterday and he realized how close she was to him, he stopped his shooting. If not we will talk to the neighbors whose vehicle he shot and see if they will work with us to put a stop to his recklessness.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

It sounds as if we live in very similar areas Walter. We have 5 acres, but our property is long and narrow, and his pond is almost right on our property line. It feeds into our pond.

Our ordinance was recently changed to 150 feet from a dwelling, but our house is further away from the pond than that.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

(Blushing) thank you Walter

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

That sure is scary, and thoughtless if they shoot their guns with out thinking about where stray bullets might end up...

We live rurally too, and in deer season, growlmy always wears a bright colored jacket.
Most of the other animals around here may not be shot at without a permit and only in the correct season. They are all considered the property of the state, Sheesh, that almost sounds funny...but it is the law around here.
One cannot even hit a goose or duck without consequences.