The Azaleas are blooming. We wish the blooms lasted longer.
Mommy got some garden art at the Herb and Garden Fest.
These Hummingbirds spin in the wind.
Mommy couldn't resist the Butterflies.
And of course the CAT.
We brought the Birdbath up from the Hummingbird Cottage.
She also got some Milkweed. It has been planted in the front flower bed per my instructions.
The flowerpots are looking nice, we need something to fill in the bottom container. Maybe some lantana.
Carolina Jassmine blooming.
Roster Violet
Our HUGE Azalea.
Cross Vine
We love this little wildflower, we will have to look up it's name.
Mommy also bought some Borage when she was at the Herb and Garden Fest.
We are looking forward to the Milkweed blooming.
We love our yellow lantana.
Mommy did a good job on our pots this year.
The quince looks nice when it blooms.
But the forsythia is my favorite. ~Socks, The Feline Farmer for ATCAD
Your flowers and gardens always look so wonderful no matter what season. We like forsythia too, though with our winter blast this week, it'll be a bit before we see any blooms.
R: Lazy Boy: Yes, we do/did have one, the store is closing or has just closed. Oh, "moving," apparently...but no indication where to, so for all intents and purposes, closed.
I love forsythia, it brings a splash of bright colour to a garden. Your garden looks really lovely. That's Purrfect
We have lots of forsythia in our yard too. But a cold spell is coming - we think our flowers will bite the dust them. Hope not!
You KNOW how much we ADORE seeing all your flowers adn Plants and pretty yard thingys.... So Beautiful...
OH the Spinning Hummingbirds... that is cool drool.
Thanks for a ovely feline gardener tour:)
That kitty looks like a meezer!! MOL!
Love the butterflies too!
Thanks for the tour of your lovely garden! It looks like a cats' (and persons') Paradise! <3
socks....dood....ewe iz doin a grate job on yur azalea IZ awesum !!!..... we wish we could grow em round heer.....two cold ~~~
we iz out til monday…sew heerz two a Baikal oilfish kinda week oh end ♥♥♥
A cat tour! Fabulous. Your garden is wonderful. My cat is so shy she hardly goes out... but does like lying in the sun, sometimes!
Forsythia was my mother's favorite flower. We had it all over the backyard
Forsythia was my mother's favorite flower. We had it all over the backyard
So many pretty colors. Our magnolia was just opening and we got a frost so no blooms :(
Socks you and your mom are doing a great job with your yard. All those flowers are so beautiful. We like your yard art too.
Socks, you are a master gardener!!
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