I let Yin do Fenris Friday, so they had me model for Caturday Art. First we have the pencil sketch.
Then Mommy sent me off to the alternate universe. Really GREEN fur? I wanna come home to this universe where the grass is green not my furs. ~Fenris, modeling for ATCAD
I love your changing personalities!
None of these effects can take away from your beauty, F. Even with green fur, you are Hubba Hubba.
Love and licks,
That is a crazy universe if you have green fur!
We love the artsy effect - including the green fur!!!
OMD Fenris... at FURST we thought that you had MOSS growing on you like those Sloths sometimes do... WHEW... glad to know it is just a Special Effect and not somethingy PERMANENT.
You are looking very cool today, Fenris!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo
That's a cool art effect, even if you aren't impressed with the green furs.
You Looking Beautiful today Nice creativity pictures. Check Out My Online Store for Cat Lovers.
Very creative!
Purrs xx
Athena and Marie
That came out great Fenris.
You look like you're wearing a green coat. Save that for St. Paddy's Day.
Good thing its only art, Fenris, BOL!
We like you in 'regular furs' too!!
But...it is nice art by the way :)
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