Thursday in the Garden & #MommaKatsSearch

First off we would like to remind you about #mommakatssearch for a loving home. This brave Momma Kat continued to care for her kittens even after being hit by a car. Please won't someone help her find a loving home, it would be great if you could adopt one of the kittens that she showed such devotion to with her, but the main thing is to find her a home.

Now for our gardening post.

The Coral Honeysuckle.

The White Roses. We really wish we could get a better shot of these plants for you. They are on the roof of the Hummingbird Cottage.  It would be awesome to take a photograph from above as it would look like a carpet of flowers, but we have no way to get up that high.

Mommy did manage to get a close up of the Coral Honeysuckle using the zoom lens.

This rose smells really good and we love it's dark color.

The Coral Beans, they are a native plant. We had lots of seeds this year, so we are hoping the birds will spread the seeds.

The roof of the Hummingbird Cottage.

Hanging basket

Mommy needs to weed AGAIN.

Another hanging basket, this one just has the Trailing Princes in it.

The Flowering Maple (it's not really a maple).

Butterfly plant, Yin is a great garden helper.

The Cape Honeysuckle with the Flowering Maple.

The Coral Bean, the Hummingbirds just LOVE it.


The Hummingbirds like the Red Cestrum too, but it's not a native plant. ~ATCAD


Katie Isabella said...

I read about that Mama and I pray that she finds a home. I am thanking heaven she is doing alright. Bless her. Thank you for the garden pages and now I know the identity of two flowers I took pictures of in the arboretum. I did not know what they were.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What a lovely week in the garden!!

We are also sending POTP that Mama finds a furr-ever home soon!

pilch92 said...

I am praying for Momma cat and her babies. I am hoping too that she can be with one or 2 of her babies forever.

Hannah and Lucy said...

We are purring and praying that Mama Cat finds a loving home.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

Yin...what an awesum toor....thanx for sharin it two day with uz....we haz purrayers inta st francis two for momma cat & de wee onez ♥♥♥

The Swiss Cats said...

What a lovely garden ! We cross our paws for Momma Kat. Purrs

Millie and Walter said...

We think your mom needs to get a drone with a camera to get up high and take pictures of those roses.