These are Grandpa's goats. They are Boer Goats.
We likes the little ones best.
This one has freckles on his knees. Guess what Mommy calls him? Yep, Freckles.
This is MUTT he is a full blooded Great Pyrenees. He is MUCH MUCH BIGGER than Fenris. He makes Fenris look like a small dog. To give you some idea Mutt weighs around 120 pounds and when he stands up on his hind legs is taller than Mommy. Fenris only weighs 75 pounds and Mommy is taller than him.
If you enjoyed seeing the goats you can see more of them at Stonewall's Boer Goats.
When Mommy & Daddy went to see the Grandparents for Thanksgiving they had some baby goats. Olivia loved seeing the goats.
Grandpa picked up this baby goat, they are called kids, and let her pet it and her and they baby goat Baaed at each other. It was so funny. ~ATCAD
My human loves baby goats... but for some reason they don't love her!
Our neighbors have had goats in the past. Goats in petting zoos always try to nosh on petcretary's clothes, BOL!
Mutt is a beautiful dog. The goats are very cute!
Those goats are cute. We bet Mutt does a great job keeping his flock safe.
Those goats are mighty cute,especially the young ones :)
Mutt is very handsome ;)
Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ
We love baby goats too. They are so cute!!! You are so handsome, Mutt!! Love all those beautiful pictures you post:)
Aww ... thank you for sharing those cute goats with us :)
lovely animals!
de food servizz gurlz dad likez goats; durin hiz travelz him wood stop off de hi way N watch em at a farm off two de side !!! thanx for sharin ~~~~~~ waves two ewe mutt ☺☺☺♥♥♥
Nice to see grandpa's goats ! The young ones are very cute ! Purrs
OMD...Mama is squee-ing at the baby goat!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo
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