Thursday in the Garden

Our Confederate Rose had tons of blooms. The frost we had knocked it back some, but the bottom branches are still hanging on and blooming. It's in the 70s here again.

The frost did the pineapple sage in, but it did a nice job blooming too.

In fact Mommy needs to weed this flower bed as the Goldenrod, Pineapple Sage and Ironweed are done for the year. Once she gets the dead stuff out you will be able to see all the stuffs that is still growing.

The ironweed was especially pretty in this bed.

And Daddy's wildflower bed was a sea of goldenrod this year.

The frost got the Candy Corn Cuphea so it needs to be cut back.

The Cape Honeysuckle is safe in the Greenhouse.

The Candlebushes.

The ferns do good all year.

So do the Elephant Ears.

The frost does the Candlebushes in, but we have one safe in the Greenhouse. These came up from seeds.

The Bottle Bush blooms all year here. We love it.

Confederate Rose.

Not sure what Mom was taking a picture of.

black-eyed Susan they are gone for the year too.

Ginger Lilies, they smell divine. They are gone for the year too.

Today we are thankful for a warm house to sleep in. We know you kitties and doggies that live further North then us probably think we are silly but it was in the 50s today and will be in the low 30s tonight so we are freezing. We are especially thankful today for warm blankets and snuggle buddies. And we are purring really hard that all the outside cats and dogs find a way to stay warm.


Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

What beauty you stillhave all around you. At 25F we don't have much left at all...but spring will revive things once again:)

Summer said...

You had frost and it's back in the 70s? You are having crazy weather!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

guyz...all R stuff iz gone for de yeer.......we haza few brave soulz tryin two peek theu de mulch cover but afturr thiz week end, we willna bee abe bull two see anything ~~ send heet !!!!! ♥♥♥

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

That is normal for our winter. It alternates between warm and cold. Today's high was 56 and the low will be 37. Mommy got to wear her Christmas sweater with the reindeer. Monday the high will be 72 and the low will be 58. Mommy says she never knows what to wear.

Brian's Home Blog said...

It's pretty impressive that you still have nice garden stuff going on!

Millie and Walter said...

Thanks for showing us all your flowers. We are heading into some colder temps for the upcoming week and are supposed to get some snow starting tomorrow but you know we love the snow.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Such flowering at this time of year amazes us. Ours are all gone. Getting the first hard freeze tonight.

And even our hybrid goldenrod died back this year.