Scylla Sunday ~Someones eyes are watching me

I hope you don't mind I engaged in a bit of artistic fancy for my selfie.

 I feel as if I am being spied on.

 Do you think someone is spying on me?

 I don't see anyone else out here.

But I swear someones eyes are watching me. ~Scylla, musing for ATCAD


Summer said...

Definitely, you are being watched!

Loulou said...

Scylla, you need a bodyguard, I think.

Mickey's Musings said...

We agree! You ARE being watched!
Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

Eastside Cats said...


Annie Bear said...

You are most definitely being watched. Maybe because you're so cute!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Someone is watching you because you are so beautiful Scylla!

My Mind's Eye said...

Cre8tive selfies are such fun
Madi your bfff

Angel Prancer Pie said...

We think you have an admirer, beautiful Scylla!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I think you are right. You are being watched.

Basil and The B Team ~ BionicBasil ® said...

Yes mew definitely have a spy in your midst!!! MOL

Bestest purrs

Basil & CO xox

Erin the Cat Princess said...

Hmm I'm guessing an admirer of your beautiful personage. That said, it is rude to stare so maybe not the right sort of watcher after all!
Purrs, ERin

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Keep on the alert, Scylla - you can never know for sure who is watching:)

Woos - Lightning and Misty

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Uh Oh Scylla...looks like Chimera might be peaking out!!

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Lady thought of the lyrics'I always feel like somebody's watching me.'

pilch92 said...

Great selfies.

Noodle Cat said...

Super selfies!
Have a great Sunday...

Noodle and crew

Dash Kitten Crew said...

I wonder Hmmmmmmmmm Could that be a shadow? A Cat?

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

You look great!

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

We think we *know* that feeling...and we see the reason too! MOL!

Maybe Chimera thinks by watching you she might get ideas of what mischief to get into that yu might get blamed for...little sisfurs can be that way sometimes, OMC! Hopefuly not.