Help, somebody broke our weather.
I want to be outside playing, but...
I have to agree with the girls, it's too cold out there.
I guess I will just have to spend the day in bed with my sisters.
What is Fenris barking at.
Sounds like his INTRUDER bark.
Do you think the guy in the brown truck brought something for ME???? ~Yang, reporting for ATCAD
oh that someone was here too and ruined our weather completely... we have a horrible storm... uhoh!
I fink snuggling up on the bed is a grand idea
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx
PeeS what did the parcel man bring ???
I think it was our cat food, but it may have been dog food. ~Yang
Maybe it's your Secret Paws package!
Hey, it looks as if your three are better guardcats than anything, even Fenris! Maybe it's a tree....YAY, something to climb, especially after all those tinkly things are on it. Love, Loulou
You all look so relaxed laying on the bed together.
Wish I could nap on that bed with you kitties...looks so restful, well...until the barking started!
BOL - you all want to be inside where it is warm and we all want to be outside ALL the time where it is cold:)
Hope the man in the brown truck had a package for everyone.
Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber
you all look so pretty and cozy! I bet that brown truck did bring you something! catchatwithcarenandcody
The doggies here love to bark their annoyance with that brown truck too...and the driver even had cookies. Bribery didn't work, MOL!
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