Winsome Wednesday with Chimera

 I thought I would start off with a visit to the Butterfly Garden the Washington Hawthorne is blooming nicely this year.

 As many of you know back in March Daddy started tearing our laundry room, kitchen, dining room and entry way apart. The first step was ripping out the laminate flooring. Yang and I had to supervise.

 Daddy put the old flooring in the trailer to haul it to the burn pile.

 Mommy was worried we would step on a nail but I assured her that Yang and I were professional inspectors and knew what we were doing.

I am not sure why she didn't believe me. Daddy did a lot of the work himself to save money but we also had a lot of strangers traipsing in and out, supervising everything is very exhausting. We are happy to report that Daddy is almost finished with the stuff he started in March. You might think we would be getting a rest but NO now the Family Room is being remodeled. An inspector cats work is never done. ~Chimera, reporting for ATCAD


Summer said...

Your humans are working you awfully hard, aren't they? I mean, kitties can only supervise so much!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Yes, we need a vacation from the supervising, we are all exhausted.

Eastside Cats said...

Chimera, I too get all nervous with construction waste and the cats! Da Boyz get into everything, and maybe even chew on things...and who knows what ick could be on old building boards?

Unknown said...

Incredible energy, your papa.

Anne Hagman-Niilola said...

Hi! Inspector at work;-)) Meow!

Erin the Cat Princess said...

Wow, that is a lot of wood and stuff to supervise! Great to see that the humans have a top notch management team behind them! Around here the place is all stone, so unless a gargoyle falls off we dont have to do a lot to the old place. MOL
Toodle pips and purrs

The Island Cats said...

You really inspected all that stuff!

Cupcake said...

My goodness, C. You kids DO have your work cut out for you. Inspecting so much renovation in so many rooms must be exhausting. I think you should take a 20 hour nap to renew your strength.

Love and licks,