Sunday Selfies x 6

If you haven't received a card from us, we apologize for our shortcomings it's our humans fault, and hope you will take the ones we have placed above.

Most of you know that Chimera's Gotcha Day is CHRISTMAS so we will have a small Gotcha Day post for her. We hope everyone enjoys whatever holidays they celebrate, we are sending you lots of joy, love and happiness for the New Year. ~ATCAD


The J-Cats said...

What lovely selfie collages you have made!

Erin the Cat Princess said...

Happy gotcha day for the 25th. We will share a celebration with you, and raise a glass or two in toast, for your special day.

Marty the Manx said...

Love the collages! Merry Christmas to you all and Happy early Gotcha day too just in case we don't get to stop by.
Marty and the Gang

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Happy Gotcha Day to sweet Chimera!!!

Merry Christmas from all of us!

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Lovely selfies!

Merry Christmas :)

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie

Little Miss Titch said...

Happy Gotcha day and Merry christmas,xx Speedy

meowmeowmans said...

Such lovely selfies, all of you! Happy Gotcha Day early, Chimera!

The Swiss Cats said...

Lovely selfies, and early Happy Gotcha Day to Chimera ! Purrs

The Florida Furkids said...

Beautiful collages!!!

The Florida Furkids

Peaches and Paprika said...

MERRY CATMAS. We fervently hope you will visit our blog and Cat Bloggers Slideshow if you haven't already!

Kea said...

Happy almost Gotcha Day to Chimera! (Derry's was the 21st, and I consider him my best Christmas "present" ever.)

Merry Christmas to all of you, and all the very best for 2019.

Purrs from Nicki and Derry. :-)

catladymac said...

I just read yesterday's post about Chiera's surgery, ao we are purraying and sending POTP that she is well soon and nhas a festive Christmas/Gotcha Day !

Millie and Walter said...

Merry Christmas to all of you too.

pilch92 said...

Very pretty cards. Merry Christmas!

M Dawson said...

We love your cards and your banner, they are fabulous!

Merry Christmas.

The Dash Kitten Crew