Wildlife Wednesday

 The Canadian Geese, these pictures were taken March 10th.

 Mom says by now Madam Goose is usually sitting on a nest or the goslings have hatched but this time Nada. Mom thinks maybe she laid the eggs too soon and because we had a weird winter that thought it was SPRING and then WINTER came back lost them to the freezing temperatures. We lost a lot of plants that BLOOMED TO EARLY.

 Eventually Mom did see them with ONE gosling, they usually have six or more so Mom doesn't know if just one hatched or if they had more and the hawk that has been hanging out around here, or a snapping turtle or snake got them. By the time Mom saw the gosling it was pretty big so it had been hatched for awhile.

 We had a lot of rain so the nest on the island may have flooded and washed the eggs except for one into the pond, that happened one year, except that year it was all the eggs.

 We are glad they were able to raise at least one gosling this year and hope they have better luck next year.

 The azalea was spectacular this year.

And the Irish Bells are very pretty. ~ATCAD


Zoolatry said...

So pretty ... love the Canadian Geese. They only seem to pass over, pass by us as they travel north to south, rarely stopping in this area. Used to (in other places we lived) love seeing the young ones ...

Timmy Tomcat said...

Since they filled in the pond across the street to build we miss the Geese that used to stop by us. Darn. Thanks for sharing

Eastside Cats said...

The office had a family of Canada Geese too; there were seven goslings at first, but only six made it to bigger size. It's a tough world out there.

Sandee said...

We love enjoying the wildlife too. So precious.

Have a fabulous day. ♥

Millie and Walter said...

We're sorry to hear you geese didn't have more success this year. That azalea is huge and what a beauty.

World of Animals, Inc said...

We enjoyed your wildlife photos. Hopefully, next year there will be more Geese around, and that the weather isn't all messed up. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos. Have a wonderful rest of your day.
World of Animals

jank1961 said...

The weather can be so crazy! Our gardens are doing wonderfully this year, even though the weather has not been ideal to us. We imagine the geese are used to dealing with Mother Nature's craziness as well.
Jan & the crew at Wag 'n Woof Pets

meowmeowmans said...

We love the Canada geese and their babies here, too. We are sorry this couple did not have good success with their eggs this year.

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

We have LOTS of geese here, sometimes they even stop the traffic. Petcretary sees lots of goslings when she travels about town and the countryside, They are also in a pond about a mile from our den, and we can often hear them, esp at night or early morning.

Loulou said...

LOVE those geese. What a menagerie you live in and how lucky to have so much nature near you.