Caturday Art

Mom got a special mention for her Art Dolls. And she even snuck a cat into the picture.

Mom won the Pop up challenge, you had to create a page using the words Beside the Seaside, Mom's trip to Cozumel inspired this. She didn't get to visit the Butterfly Sanctuary but she really would have liked too.

Mom got third place for the Mood Board Challenge.

Another page that didn't place but Mom had fun learning about all the dogs that start with the letter E. She thinks this dog looks a little bit like Fenris.

On the other hand Mom got First place for her letter N page. N is for nutmeg. You have to think of a word that start with the letter N then scrap it.

Mom's naughty sea nymph didn't place. The naughty girl is suppose to be Scylla in Greek Mythology.

Mom's Year of the Goat got third place. That is one of Grandpa's goats in the picture.

This was a list challenge and Mom finds them very challenging. You are provided with a list of things to use on the page and the # you can use Mom didn't place but she is getting better at them. ~ATCAD


Summer at said...

Really nice art today!

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

That is a a lot of fun art, and congrats on your wins and placements.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Lovely art. I like the Dance with the two cute little figures in the bottom corner.

Dandy Duke said...

Love the goat and the nutmeg! Your mom does such fun and beautiful work!

Millie and Walter said...

You did well with many of your art today. We like all of them.

pilch92 said...

These are all fantastic! Such a cute goat :)