Dead Computer

We are just writing to let you know Mommy's computer died deader than a door nail. Until Daddy fixes it there will be no future post. Depending on if he can save pictures there may be NO post for a long time. ~ATCAD


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Oh no! I hope your dad can fix the computer and save the photos.

The Island Cats said...

Bummer! We hate computer problems.

Mickey's Musings said...

We purr you can recover your info from the computer.
This past weekend, mum(she uses PC) had problems with the Chrome browser.
Pages would not load.
It seems to be working now.
WE send lots of good vibes in the hope the dad can get you back blogging soon.
Purrs,Georgia and Julie

Millie and Walter said...

We are crossing our paws that your daddy can save the computer or at least all the pictures from it. Until then we totally understand that you can't post for a while.

Summer at said...

Oh no! That's awful. :-(

Loulou said...

Oh no having a dead computer is just about like having a dead rat in the kitchen!I hope so much your daddy can fix the computer so you’ll be back online very soon.

pilch92 said...

I hope it gets fixed soon. XO

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

What is it with all the dead computers recently? Us too. Are you using a Mac?

jank1961 said...

Ugh, dead computers are not a good thing. Good luck!
Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

Eastside Cats said...

Our VP's laptop crapped out this weekend, and I spent time emailing and organizing to get it fixed...and we have an IT department!
Chimera, if you weren't comfy, then you wouldn't be there, right?