This and That Thankful Thursday with Chimera

 Mom is thankful for the cat socks she got for Christmas, not only are they cute but Mom says they are nice and warm too.

 Yang isn't the only one that likes Youngest Boy's chair.

 I like it very much myself.

 I am glad the remodeling is done for awhile. Mom even has the Family Room put back together.

 Mom moved the dog beds back to the Family Room as it was very crowded with them in the Study. Unfortunately Mom is hardly ever in here these days as she prefers the couch in the study for reading if she isn't outside in the porch swing.

Yang (on cedar chest), Yin (in bed) & Chimera (in window)
 I like the light green (Emerald Ice) color she painted the bedroom. Mom still plans to make some changes but due to COVID-19 hasn't had a chance to shop for a new bedspread. She did get some blinds for her anniversary but they haven't arrived yet. The email said July 30th. This is one of our (the cats) favorite hangouts.

 This picture turned out very nice of me don't you think? Except Mom chopped off my tail.

 In the rest I have my eyes closed.

~Chimera, reporting for ATCAD


Brian's Home Blog said...

Those were terrific thankfuls and some darn cute socks too!

Millie and Walter said...

The family room looks great and your mom's socks are so cute too.

Eastside Cats said...

With the high heat we've been experiencing, no one around here is wearing any socks!
Going barefoot is one of my joys in life, although I kick enough thing to think that I'm a clutz!

Sandee said...

Lovely thankful things and I love warm socks in the colder weather.

Love your family room.

Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the kitties. ♥

Summer at said...

The family room is looking really nice!

Anonymous said...

Things definitely look well put together and pretty at your house, Chi. Of course, you make them look even prettier.

Love and licks,

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Thanks for the tour of the home with all the decorating, Chimera. We love that blue color on the walls.

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

pilch92 said...

Nice report Chimera. The remodel came out great.

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Thanks for the tour!

It is stinking hot here too...and very humid. In the 90'sF. UGH.

You look all sparkly in the sunbeams, Chimera!