Mancat & Mandog Monday with Yang & Fenris

 I like to sleep with my sister Yinny, we usually cuddle like we did when we were kittens and only had each other. I am very sorry I had a mouthful of her fur in my mouth. It seemed to make everyone Hissed Off at me. Including Fenris, he doesn't like it when we fight.

 Sometimes I lounge around and model for pictures.

 I do wonder how they caught all these butterflies and got them to stay on the pillow.

 They do look nice though, but if they fly off the pillow I am ready to pounce.

 Mom says I am a silly boy.

 Well gotta run, Fenris wants to say hi. ~Yang, reporting for ATCAD on Mancat Monday

 Everyone thank you for your purrs and POTP. I am feeling much better. Although I will be glad when the cone is removed and the water therapy is ended.

Mom says that will not be long. But it'll probably take longer for my fur to grow back. And yes, I am vain I made Mom use pictures from April when I looked my best. ~Fenris, reporting for ATCAD


Lone Star Cats said...

Glad you're feeling better Fenris!

Mickey's Musings said...

Yang, sometimes I had little fights with Tillie. We both wanted to be top cat ;)
Fenris, I am happy to hear you are feeling better.

Millie and Walter said...

Yang you are so cute laying there with your paws crossed. How fun would it be if all those butterflies leapt off the pillow!

We're glad to hear Fenris is feeling better and we continue to send all the POTP we can.

Eastside Cats said...

Yang, Da Boyz have a scuffle once or twice every day, but then they sleep together, so we know there isn't any real you and Yin.
Fenris, the cone will be just a memory soon; your human wants you to leave that area alone!

Loulou said...

Oh, you sweet sleeping kitties and you sweet vain doggie. We are ALL vain and when we can manage our anthros, DO IT. Those pics are the real you, not a cone head! Get well SOON.

Sandee said...

Great news that you're feeling better Fenris. You have to keep and eye on those kitties you know.

Have a fabulous day and week. My best to your mom. ♥

Timmy Tomcat said...

Purrs Fenris you will be all better soon. Yang the Dad yells when we get fur in our mouths too. Hope you catch a butterfly

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

that is some beautiful posing for Manly Monday, Yang.

Hi, Fenris.

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

River sleeps like that but usually butt to butt not head to head.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Cuddling is good! Do you head lick?

Anonymous said...

A little missing fur and a cone of courage are a small price to pay for feeling 100% again, F. Hang in there and keep feeling better and better each day!

Love and licks,

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Hooray for feeling better, Fenris. Hope all the fussing can end soon...

Yang, you look so innocent...MOL!