Tuesday Tales

 The is the herb bed, it is on the side of the house.

 Grandpa made this birdfeeder for Mommy.

 She really likes it a lot.

 Our Fennel got off to a good start, we are not sure why it died.

 The pineapple sage was doing well too, we are baffled why it curled up and died.

 We love the coral honeysuckle, it is a native plant.

And we love our little roses, although roses are not Mom's favorite flower. Mom says roses are a high maintenance flower and they viciously attack her when she trims them up. ~ATCAD


LOULOU said...

Okay, addressing herbs, pineapple sage needs very little water, also fennel, and you might try lemon thyme, which is wonderful in so many things. The bird house is magnificent so we are sending all of the doves over to your place to hang out, haha. Mama has an herb garden, too, and there is a BIG place for my catnip...which is as it should be, no?

Millie and Walter said...

That bird feeder is so cute. Roses are so pretty and smell so nice but they do like to attack anyone that tries to trim them.

Eastside Cats said...

I had a plant wither and die, for no reason too!
All others are just fine.
Oh well, onward and upward, they say.

Timmy Tomcat said...

Dad is still having all kinds of little plants die and he hopes to get that figured out by next spring. He is just experimenting as our Raised Beds went up so late

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

We have had to water every day. If we missed a day then everything curls up.