Wildlife Wednesday ~ Just Ducky

 We have lots of visitors to our pond besides the Canadian Geese a pair of wild ducks are other frequent visitors.

 Why are you just now seeing them you ask, well it's because when Mom sees them it's usually because she startled them and they flew away.

 So Mom has never been able to get pictures before.

 She thinks they probably had a nest on the island after the geese departed.

 Birds often use the same nesting sites in shifts. Sort of like having a time share condo.

 Mom doesn't know the name of the ducks and we don't think anyone will be able to tell from these pictures.

 Hopefully better pictures will be coming soon.

 Meanwhile we are going to play Duck, Duck, Goose...

Mom couldn't resist that. ~ATCAD


Mickey's Musings said...

That would be a cool thing to see.
We get ducks, but mum does not see geese wandering around.

Sandee said...

That is just ducky. Adorable shots. We love ducks.

Have a fabulous day. ♥

Eastside Cats said...

Birds are fascinating creatures, and it's cool that they timeshare that nesting spot!
Hope you figure out what kind of ducks they are.

Loulou said...

Oh, ponds are so magical and wonderful. Not to swim in, no? But the birds are just beautiful and we love duckies.

Millie and Walter said...

How nice that you have a new water fowl family in your pond. We hope your mom can get some better pictures so we can figure out what kind they are.

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Ducks almost on the pond.

meowmeowmans said...

How nice that the ducks are using the time share right now. :)