Caturday Art with Tuiren

Bricolage Challenge, sometimes it's really hard to put the embellishments together in a cohesive page.

This was a color Challenge that you were given the mini kit for.

Another Color Challenge you had to find the colors in your stash or make them by recoloring stuff.

Created with Rewards Challenge.

Mask Challenge

And this was a Progressive Scrap Challenge. We just love the owl.  ~Tuiren, reporting for ATCAD


meowmeowmans said...

We love all of your art this week. The one with G in his costumes and Tuiren and the Owl are our favorites. :)

Millie and Walter said...

That's all great art but of course I love the last one of you, Sweet Tuiren.



Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

All of the art is lovely. The last is my favourite.

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Sweet, lovely, and playful

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Thanks for stopping by everyone. Walter I took an especially good picture that I will show you soon. ~Tuiren

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Lovely art as always!