Really now on MONDAY I get good Selfies that should have been done on SUNDAY. I guess the trick is to take pictures when Yang isn't around. Mmm...
I am still trying to master Portrait mode.
Ahh this would have been a nice selfie.

Oh well, I asked Mom about the M cats and she said that Mystique is getting sort of friendly. She mostly hangs out around Grandpa's shed and she is letting Grandpa get really close to her. She lets Mom get kind of close. Mom never has her camera with her though. Myst likes to sleep on top of the doghouse by the shed after she finishes eating. She blends into the dog house really well. Mom says if she is perfectly still you wouldn't even see her unless you knew to look for her there. And if Grandpa is late coming to feed she waits for him at the corner of the shed. Mom had to feed one day as the Grands were out of town and she saw Myst waiting impatiently (she flicks her tail just like Chimera) at the corner of the shed. She didn't run she just went inside the shed where there is like tons of stuff and Mom couldn't possibly walk being larger than a cat and Mom walked around to the end of the shed where Grandpa feeds them and feed the chickens and gathered the eggs, feed Lady O then put out feed for the M cats. She suspects Myst came to eat right after she left.

She hasn't seen Marvel and O'Malley in awhile Grandpa says they stay in the woods. She thinks she caught a glimpse of O'Malley the other day but he was moving so fast she isn't sure. And she is pretty sure she saw Marvel and Myst together at another shed Grandpa has where he parks the truck. Boys aren't as smart as girls apparently. Myst knows that Grandpa has special food sometimes (shrimp, pieces of chicken, pieces of ribs etc) so she keeps an eye on him and sticks around where he feeds them she gets all the yummy treats as she gobbles them up before the guys even show up. Grandpa calls her little one cause she is smaller than her brothers, she is also fluffier.
We are all doing fine here and sometimes we get special food. Well all of us except Chimera. Chimera refuses to eat anything except dry cat food.
Stupid camera you cut my face off.
Camera's really need to get smarter. I am going to take a dust bath now. Then I am going to go inside and roll on Mom's bed. For some reason when I leave sand in the bed she gets annoyed though.
Mom planted some sun flower seeds only one came up though, but it sure is pretty. ~Yin, reporting for ATCAD
Miss Yun, you look quite nice laying in the grass.
It is nice to hear about Grandpa's cats too. They sound like a lively bunch :)I giggled when you said you would roll around in the sand then go inside and roll on
your mum's bed and leave the sand. MOL!!!!! Have a great day Mim!
Purrs, Julie
Those are all great pictures of you, Yin. Little Miss Mystique sounds like a smart kitty.
Selfies on Monday are just as good as on Sunday. Kitties like their routine with no deviations, especially when it comes to foods. I know Dani won't eat her food unless I feed her. If her Daddy does it, she just walks away.
All your selfies are PURRfect in my opinion. Isaiah, our cat, refuses human food too!! Pretty flower.
Yin, You are SO gorgeous!!
Beautiful pictures today.
We hope that maybe one day those M cats might trust their guardian helpers a bit more.
I love that amazing orange sunflower. That is unusual!
You are such a cutie. Thanks for the update on Grandpa's kitties. Beautiful sunflower. XO
Thanks for visiting everyone. ~Miss Yin
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