That Alasandra creature helped me take a selfie. I hope that is OK. She also says I am a stunning tortoiseshell, whatever that means.
I have been informed that today is National Feral Cat Day and that since I am a feral cat I should do the post. Actually I think my brothers should do the post as they are more feral than me these days, but they stay off in the woods and don't come around the people.
I have made huge strides since I came to live here according to Alasandra. After all I was the only one she couldn't touch when we were being held captive in those cages. See we used to live at a trailer park, but our home was being bulldozed to make way for something called progress, and we were no longer wanted there. This nice group of ladies that do TNR helped capture us so we could be fixed where we can no longer have kittens but since we couldn't go back to our home they had to find new homes for us.

Apparently it is sort of hard to find homes for cats that don't want to be petted. Anyway they reached out on Facebook to find out if anyone had room for some barn cats and the nice man that lives here said he could take three of us. Alasandra thought I was pretty so they took me (Myst) and the cats that were capture with me ( O'Malley and Marvel). O'Malley was older than me and Marvel and pretty tame he let people pick him up. Marvel was probably my litter mate and he let Alasandra touch him.
Alasandra wishes she could have spent more time taming them when we were in cages, but since me and Marvel shared a cage she couldn't pet him without upsetting me. I actually scratched her when she tried to pet me. And she could tell it stressed me out when they were close so she only came to feed us and clean the litter boxes. Sometimes the man (she calls him Dad) and her would sit close by and we could here them talking and that was OK.
Once they released us we ran in the woods and hid for a long time, but we did come back to eat. Occasionally they would get glimpses of us. For a long time they saw O'Malley and Marvel more than they saw me. Then I got sort of tame.
Alasandra calls me Queen of the Shed, cause I mostly stay near the shed where the man feeds me. And I feel so safe there that the man can actually get close enough to pet me but he doesn't try to. And I come when he calls cause when he calls me he has special food like real chicken, ribs, sausage or other yummy stuff.
The boys don't come when called and Alasandra and Dad are worried that something happened to them. I hope they catch a glimpse of them soon so they will stop worrying.
I even let Alasandra get sort of close to take the pictures. When she got to close I just walked off.
I didn't walk far you see that shady spot in the woods behind me. That's where I went and she stopped coming closer and just stayed put and talked to me for a few minutes then went away. I came back to the shed once she started walking off (the sneaky thing saw me). Anyway for a feral cat I have it pretty nice, I have a warm dry place to sleep (the shed) and plenty of food to eat and we have a nice yard to enjoy with trees and wildlife and a pond. ~Myst guest reporter for ATCAD
Myst, you are beautiful, and we are glad you are taken care of and loved by Ms. Alesandra.
You are indeed worthy of your title of Queen of the Shed! XO
Thank you ~Myst
What a beauty you are Myst! I'm so glad there are caring Feral Caretakers like your Mom, she is a Superhero!
A life is, I suppose, as you make it. You have fine friends in the humans, and that is reason enough to enjoy, albeit at a distance, their company. There is a balance in life, and sometimes thart balance is in our, the feral cats interest, and sometimes the humans. Thats not to say we both dont win, 'cos we do, but just ina different sort of way.
Happy Feral Cats Day!
It is a pleasure to meet you Myst. I know you are content where you are, not too near the humans. Feral cats are truly not social so I know your space is respected.
Please thank your 'Mom' for the introduction Myst.
Myst, that was a most beautiful post today and we are so happy that you and your pals found a place that can be your territory and you can have food and water around.
You are a beauty. I am glad you are doing well. XO
Myst, you are so pretty! I’m glad that there are humans taking care of you because living outside all on your own is not easy. ~Ernie
Thank you for your wonderful report, Myst, and you made a sweet selfie, too.
You are very pretty!
Maybe one might want to try the inside life?! We sure hope you'll give it a try sometime.
We too, hope your sort of brofurs might show up and let your caring peeps know thew are alright.
Myst you are a stunning cat. When you are done travelling I know where there is an easy chair for you.
Oh, what a Tortie, so beautiful. I hope Myst is safe at night and fed and that perhaps Myst will come closer and be snuggled, as I am.
Beautiful selfie Myst, and we are happy that mew are in good paws with ATCAD!
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