Meowy Monday

 Mom had a time getting this picture to come out right. Chimera is sitting in the window in bright sunlight and Yin is in the shade. Any pro tips from our photographer friends would be appreciated. Mom said she needed to make Yin brighter and Chimera darker, this was a compromise it's light enough you can see Yin has eyes but it's dark enough that Chimera didn't disappear altogether. This is something you seldom see all four of us together. Chimera was feeling social but as you can see she is still a good distance from the rest of us. But at least she is in the same room we are. Chimera is the type of cat that gives people the idea we are solitary creatures. The rest of us like being together in fact Scylla and Yang are often joined at the hip, as they don't like being alone.

Mom says thank you for all your kind words about Myst, but Grandpa is the one who deserves the credit for taking care of her. And for those of you who are worried about her safety, she is very safe and snug in the shed. The feeding station is right across from Lady O's pen and she is very cat friendly and will warn them if anything that doesn't belong approaches, and the shed is full of tons of things they can get under or on to escape. Grandpa feeds them twice a day once in the morning and once in the evening. They get feed first, well their bowls are right by where the food is stored. Then he feeds Lady O and the chickens and yesterday he saw O'Malley when he feed them breakfast. Mom suspects Marvel may have still been asleep or maybe just waiting for Grandpa to leave. We think they probably all sleep in the shed at night. There are lots of good hiding places in there, Mom even lost Grandpa in there one day, and he wasn't even trying to hide from her.  ~Miss Yin, Scylla, Yang & Chimera reporting for ATCAD


Millie and Walter said...

How sweet to see all you kitties together. Taking pictures of black animals with their lighter siblings, especially when one is on the windowsill, is difficult even for a professional photographer. Sometimes you can lighten the black one if you use image processing software to just lighten the black, but even that is tricky.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Mom used Corel Paintshop to lighten Yin enough to see her eyes and nose, but like you said it was tricky. When she lightened the black enough that Yin's features really stood out, poor Chimera was totally washed out. She really needed a way to split the photograph so she could darken the area Chimera was and lighten the area Yin was. (sigh) we suspect there is some way to do it but Mom doesn't know the trick.

Thanks for visiting Fen sends his <3 Millie and Tuiren is sending Walter a kiss.

The Florida Furkids said...

We often have photos like that so we're interested in how to fix them too.

pilch92 said...

I think this is a great photo as it is. XO

Loulou said...

HAHA Losing Granpa...I think that's a story in itself and so glad the Tortie is safe and fed. You ALL are so kind and good for animals around you, and for us who love them, too.

Zoolatry said...

Fun story, great photo ... "all together now" ... they did well and so did you!

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

You could try this trick, in a photo editing program that lets you put layers on layers and so on. Take a duplicate or several, and edit the cat you want to fix. Then crop out the rest. Same with the duplicates, but then the other cat that needs fixing. Then paste the cropped layers together so they appear as one, you might need the original underneath them all to get them all lined up properly.
Marjorie Dawson might have a simpler method, she is an expert at that sort of thing.

Still, its nice too see your brood all together.

Kudos to your Grandpa for helping those kitties have good noms and shelter.