Sunday Selfie with Yang (Remembering Last Year)


Last year I took a selfie with the tree and we never used it. I hope you like it.

I really like sitting under the tree. Mom says she may not put it up this year. I hope she changes her mind.

Even though most of the lights don't work anymore I still think the tree is pretty. ~Mr Yang, reporting for ATCAD


Erin the Cat Princess said...

You look well placed there, Yang, cosy, too on that lovely cloth tree surround. Tree or not, I am sure you'll have a lovely time and help with the organising in the run-up to the day.


Zoolatry said...

Oh, you should set it up, it is a beautiful tree! And we have to say, your header/wallpaper and the choice of greens (deep sage? forest?) is wonderful ... just love that color, reminds me of the very traditional heritage colors of the Williamsburg collection. Bravo!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Thank you so much for visiting everyone and your kind words. Mom's favorite Christmas Kit was the one The Studio gave away for Advent in 2022 called Evergreen, it's all sage, forest green and golds and browns. Mom says it's soothing. ~Yang

Millie and Walter said...

You sure look happy hanging out under the tree, Yang. We hope your mom puts up the tree this year. It always brings lots of cheer to our house to have our tree up.

meowmeowmans said...

What a lovely tree, Yang. We hope your mom sets it up so she can enjoy it and you can lay underneath it.

pilch92 said...

Great selfies. I hope your mom puts the tree up for you, but she sure has had a bad year so I can see why she wouldn't want to put it up. XO

da tabbies o trout towne said...

yang yur holly dayz fotoz bee awesum....ya hafta ree peet last yeer for thiz
yeer .... sew next yeer izza ree peet oh thiz yeer !!! ♥♥♥

The Island Cats said...

The tree is very pretty…and so are you, Yang. I hope you get to see the tree this year.

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

You look sweet under the tree, Yang!

When Minko ruined the lights on our 4-1/2' tree, petcretary took the top part of it, which was still lit, and put that in a stand to make a smaller tree on a cart. A lady where she works did a similar thing, but put the tree top in a bushel basket, and added pretty boughs to the basket. It has a rustic look, and s quite striking!! Maybe that tree you have can be salvaged that way?? *She* also added a set of her own lights