Thursday in the Garden


Pictures taken December 7, 2022. A wildflower growing in our yard.

We are lucky where we live we have plants blooming year around.

The Camellias are gorgeous. 

The Angel Wing Begonia lives in the Greenhouse in the Winter. It was warm today so Mom has the windows open.

Another Begonia.

And this flower isn't real but it looks pretty.

~Fenris, reporting for ATCAD


Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Thank you for visiting everyone. It really means a lot to us. So far Fenris is doing well. Grandpa has good days and bad days, but at least there is a treatment plan in place now. Please continue to send POTP and healing purrs to all of us here, we sure do need them. ~Fenris & Mom

Millie and Walter said...

How great that you have flowers to enjoy in the winter. We're glad to hear Fenris is doing well and have our paws crossed for him and Grandpa.

pilch92 said...

Very pretty flowers. I am glad you have your tree. XO

Lone Star Cats said...

The tree looks good!

Zoolatry said...

Thanks, Fenris ... good job with your gardener's report on the greenhouse, outside and inside blooming! Have to remember y'all are Southerners as we look at everything now in browns and greys!