Caturday Art the National Park Edition

Created with Rewards Challenge.

LAD prompt you had to journal on a postcard.

LAD prompt to use a Vintage photograph. This is a picture of Mom's Grandma Agnes (center) and Great Aunt Maggie (right) 

LAD prompt to use a map and markers. 

 Photomask Challenge. Some of you may not know that Grandpa was a fireman. For his years of service the city of Meridian provide him with transportation on a firetruck with an honor guard to his grave. There were also firetrucks with fireman standing outside them saluting at the intersections. Mom said it was a very touching tribute to him. ~ATCAD


Zoolatry said...

Beautiful as always, but especially loved the vintage image and the montage in memory of your grandfather ... both very touching.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Thank you so much, and thank you for visiting. ~ATCAD

Millie and Walter said...

What beautiful art. We love the theme today. That was a lovely tribute for your dad to ride on the fire truck one last time.

LOULOU said...

What a lovely tribute and goodbye to your grandfather....lovely.