Sunday Sort of Selfies with Fenris & Lady O


This was a Progressive Scrap at Just Art. Lady O is settling in and seems to like it here. She has earned the right to stay out of her pen and in the large back yard. BOL she can actually come in the house as Mom leaves the dog door open so I can go and come as I please, she just hasn't figured it out yet. Mom is sort of glad she hasn't figured it out yet as Lady O likes laying in mud puddles BOL. The fireworks didn't seem to bother her on the 4th and we are very thankful about that. Her and I get along OK, she finally figured out I am the BOSS. ~Fenris, reporting for ATCAD


Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Thank you for visiting us, we will come by for a visit as soon as we can. ~Fenris & Lady O

Millie and Walter said...

We're so glad to hear Lady has settled in so well. No doubt that someday she will figure out the dog door.

pilch92 said...

That came out great. XO

meowmeowmans said...

Aww, we are so happy that Lady O has sette=led in so nicely with you. We bet you were so nice and welcoming to her, Fenris. XO

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

I love these two beautiful dogs

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We're so glad you've come to terms with Lady O living with you, Fenris. It's nice to have a beautiful lady friend!
