Nature Hike with Mom

 Back in June Mom went on a Nature Hike in Ocean Springs. This is the Fontainebleau Trail and it's part of the Mississippi Sandhill Crane National Wildlife Refuge. 

Did you know people can eat this? It's called Greenbrier (although Mom has a $*** name for it) and is sometimes referred to as Wild Asparagus. You can read about it here. It grows in our neighbors yard and viciously attacks our azaleas. It also tries to kill Mom when she tries to rescue the azaleas, hence the HBO name for it. Mom reports that it tasted OK raw, but sauteed in butter would probably be the yummiest way. Unfortunately Mark didn't seem to have a skillet full of butter handy on the nature walk.

Mark LaSalle was the guide, Mom knows him from when youngest was in Scouts. He is very knowledgeable about plants and animals. She trusted him enough to eat the Greenbrier.

Mom saw a lot of neat plants. She will share more of them tomorrow. As you can imagine hummingbirds like this plant. You might remember that Mom planted some Coral Honeysuckle at the Hummingbird Cottage. ~ATCAD


The Chair Speaks said...

This is and interesting and lovely trail !

Erin the Cat Princess said...

Always good to have this sort of plant information to hand and paw. Having a knowledgeable trail guide is an essential, too.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Mom was very pleased Mark was the guide as not only is he very knowledgeable he is very entertaining and funny.

Millie and Walter said...

What a beautiful place to visit. Maybe your mom will start harvesting that weed to eat instead of just letting it attack your azaleas.

pilch92 said...

Sounds like a nice place to visit. XO

LOULOU said...

Have never seen Greenbriar but the true wild asparagus grows all around us and is delicious in an omelet. Mama took some from the hills and transferred it to her garden so now it is easily picked in spring. Delicious!