Fenris Friday (Nature Friday -Snow)

The pond was frozen in places.

Mom and Lady took forever to explore since Mom kept stopping to take pictures. I am so glad I can run ahead. Poor Lady was stuck waiting on Mom.

Mom likes snowmen so years ago Mom bought this metal snowman. Who knew one day we would actually get snow and a lot of it.

 If it's going to be cold it should have to snow. Snow is fun. ~Fenris, reporting for ATCAD

1 comment:

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

If it's NOT too cold, then Benji likes to run out to the back of the yard to stick his head in it to sniff out the land for stuff to dig out, BOL!! Then our snow gets very dirty!! Its easy to see where he's been! Earlier in the winter, our neighbou=rs made a whole family of snow people, so cute! Did I make a picture?? Nope-my loss!