Throwback Thursday


Mom says I am going to fall! Do you think I am going to fall? 

You would be right I didn't fall, sometimes Mom's are silly.

And here is a nice picture of Scylla. She loved paper bags. I miss my big sister and I am very sorry she never got to see snow. It makes me and Mommy sad that she didn't live long enough to see the snow. ~Yang, reporting for ATCAD


Millie and Walter said...

Our mom would be more worried about you knocking that vase off the shelf than you falling, Yang. We bet Scylla wouldn't have liked the cold snow.

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

I hope you didn't disturb anything on that shelf, Yang! Petcretary's first meezer, Groucho was notorious for doing things like that, he even knocked a heavy boombox down once. Yikes!
Scylla would have put one paw in the snow and retreated back to the warm cozy house!