Support Jack Cafferty

Mr. Cafferty
Speaking about the U.S. trade deficit with China, Cafferty said: "We continue to import their junk with the lead paint on them and the poisoned pet food and export, you know, jobs to places where you can pay workers a dollar a month to turn out the stuff that we're buying from Wal-Mart."

As a pet owner whose beloved cat, Whiskers, died due to deliberately poisoned pet food I concur with his remarks 100% . Call, email or write CNN and support Mr. Cafferty, because Chinese~Americans are trying to get him fired.

Chinese-Americans rallied outside CNN's Hollywood office on Saturday to demand the firing of commentator Jack Cafferty for calling China's goods "junk" and its leaders a "bunch of goons and thugs."

In my book the Chinese who deliberately spiked the wheat gluten they sold to make it appear more protein rich are murderers, their goods are junk and the government leaders that allowed poisoned products to be sold to the United States are goons and thugs. We deserve to be able to speak out about this in order to protect our pets and ourselves from their shoddy goods. Please support Jack Cafferty.

Other post on the pet food the Chinese delibertly poisoned at Alasandra & The Cats and The Last Meow.

You can contact CNN here.


Jeff Wartman said...

Well, if it makes any difference Cafferty is exactly right; China is a despotic and totalitarian country which continuously abuses the human rights of its people and is a vocal opponent of freedom.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Please note that I am not making a blanket accusation but there are unscrupulous, money hungry "entrepeneurs" in China making poisonous food (for both pets and humans), toys and other substandard merchandise. They and the officials who condone it due to bribes should be made accountable for the suffering and loss they incur. What we see is only the tip of the iceberg.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

One of the troubling things about the pet food recall is how little real coverage it got. Pet Connection Blog was where I got my news on what was happening, if a new product had been recalled etc. The mainstream media was troubling silent.

Now someone (Jack Cafferty) has the courage to speak the truth and some Chinese~Americans want CNN to fire him. Where was the outrage when it was discovered melamine had been deliberately introduced to the wheat gluten to increase profits, where was the outrage when lead was discovered in children's toys, where was the outrage when medicine was tampered with????

I would be just as incensed if the products had come from England, France, Russia, etc. it has nothing to do with race and everything to do with the ethics this particular country is displaying. Are their decent people in China? Of course, but they need to hold the "entrepreneurs" and the officials who take bribes accountable for their actions.