Mancat Monday

I am taking things easy, just relaxing and enjoying the day.

I goes to get my bloodwork done tomorrow.

Don't tell Scylla but she is coming too for her annual checkup and shots.

Who wants to come enjoy the day with me? Samantha dear, I hopes you can come over. ~Socks reporting for Alasandra, The Cats & Dogs


Old Kitty said...

Awwww sweet Socks - we hope you have a restful Monday before your v-e-t visit!! Hugs too to lovely Scylla! Take care

Anonymous said...

Good luck today at the v-e-t. Let us know how it goes!

SeaThreePeeO said...

Good luck for your blood works tomorrow, Socks.

The Paw Relations

Hannah and Lucy said...

Socks we hope your blood results are good. We wish you good luck.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

The Island Cats said...

Socks, we would love to come join you in your pretty garden.

Good luck at the vets!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Hoping all goes well with the bloodwork. Sending you kitty kisses! Love, Cody

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

I would love to see you in your lovely garden. Good luck at the vets to morrow.. Hugs GJ xx

Anonymous said...

Good luck for you - and (whispering) for Scylla too.

Anonymous said...

Oh Socks, I will purr extra hard for you today, and I am already purring for Benny too. ...(looks over shoulder, then looks over Socks back....whispers behind paw...hope Scylla does ok too). Paw pats, Savannah

Fuzzy Tales said...

We hope your blood work comes back with good results, Socks.

Good luck to you and Scylla both!

Mayzie said...

We'll ALL come over. Erm, as long as you don't make us come to the V-E-T with you.

Hope all your bloodworks come back real good!

Wiggles & Wags,

Two French Bulldogs said...

We will keep our paws crossed for you
Benny & Lily

Samantha & Mom said...

Oh Socks!! So sorry I couldn't come yesterday!! If there is room I can come to the vets with you and Scylla!! I am all caught up with this years Vet Visit so I have a clean bill of health!!
Hugs to you,
Love Samantha

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Those are great pictures of you outside Socks!