
 Daddy has a snake for us to identify.

 Mommy tried to get a good picture of his head.

 We thinks Daddy is very brave to hold him.

 Mommy thinks this is a Speckled King Snake or what Grandpa calls a Salt & Pepper Snake.

Daddy is showing us the tip of his tail. What kind of snake do you think he is?


Anonymous said...

You're right thats a pepper&salt snake - your daddy is a brave guy! I hope I will find my mom - she stampeded screaming away as she saw your snake. Have a great weekend!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

WE hopes you can find your Mom, easyweimaraner. We can't imagine why she ran away.

Hannah and Lucy said...

Oh dear - a snake thank goodness it's not in our garden or we wouldn't have seen Mum again.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Terri said...

I agree with your grandpa. He looks like a salt and pepper king snake. Did the kitties get to take a look at him?

I've had a few baby garter snakes show up in my apartment living room over the years. My cats were quite interested, but I rescued the baby snakes :)

Marg said...

Love the comments. I feel the same about them but we had a huge snake in our yard a week or so ago. Never heard of a pepper &salt snake. What did you do with it??

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OUR mom is off changing her PANTS...
It has a Pointy tail so it is not poisonous . THAT is a good thingy..
DARN your dad is BRAVE.
We have never seen a snake quite like that.

Katiez Furry Mewz said...

hmmm.... are snakes like ropes and strings and stuffs like dat that wiggle and move?

Mom says none of da Katz Gang haz ever met one. Furtunately if any of us did it would probably be a garter snake. Dats whats we gots in dis nayborhood. Nuffin poisonous.

Glad dat pepper n salt snakes am not badz.

Katie Kitty Too.

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

My mom think it's a Beautiful snake !
YES , I know that she is a crazypant *mol*

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We like to find snakes but we don't know their names. Mom says she is glad it is not here in our yard. Did you see the story on the news today of the lady who found a snake in her bag of potatoes?

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Katnip Lounge said...


Katie Isabella said...

Oh MY! I wish I could tell you but while I love seeing him and wish I could bite him, mom doesn't feel the same.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Yikes, scary
Benny & Lily

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Jeez, that almost looks like those ARMadillos we read about. MOL! But we don't know it.

Katiez Furry Mewz said...

Thanks Alasandra fur stopping by.. We am all purring fur Lulu's eye too!

The Mom has to convert all the videos taken at the vets.. for some reason youtube is not taking .avi any more even though it's on their list... Will have some cute videos by Sunday morning!

and what did you do wifs dat snake by the way?

Katie Kat and da Katz Gang.

Katiez Furry Mewz said...

Thanks Alasandra fur stopping by.. We am all purring fur Lulu's eye too!

The Mom has to convert all the videos taken at the vets.. for some reason youtube is not taking .avi any more even though it's on their list... Will have some cute videos by Sunday morning!

and what did you do wifs dat snake by the way?

Katie Kat and da Katz Gang.

Timmy Tomcat said...

We have a lot of little garden snakes here in PA. Nothing fun like that one. He does not bite I hope!

Just Mags said...

We are pretty sure that is a beautiful king snake. They are nice to keep around they eat pests that we peeps don't like hanging around. Your dad is like ours only our dad don't even bother to put on gloves...makes Mumsy sooooo nervous when he picks up snakes by the tip of their tails. Hugs and nose kisses