Mancat Monday ~ Santa Paws #mommakatsserach #foreverhomeneeded

 I love hanging out under the tree.

 The tree skirt showcases my furs purrfectly.

 It's very tranquil under the tree. It is a good spot to meditate and enjoy life.

 A good plays to enjoy a snooze and dream of Santa Paws.

 And remember those who have gone before.

And to think of those less fortunate. Remember Momma Kat and her kittens are still searching for a home. The kittens are SEVEN months old now, so the family doesn't have to stay together, although it would be nice if some of them found homes together. I can't believe Momma Kat has been searching for SEVEN Months and no home in sight for the poor dears.

 Let's put our paws together and find them all homes for the Holidays. Wouldn't that be the best Christmas gift ever? ~Socks, reporting for ATCAD


Katie and The Katz said...

We agrees dats Chrissymouse tree skirts are the bestes places to dream of Santa Pawz... remember kitties and doggies OTRB. Purring Fur Momma Kat and her sweeties... They am always on our purr list... -Katie Kitty Too

Summer said...

That's a very pretty tree, Socks! I am purring for Momma Kat and her kittens to all find homes soon!

Unknown said...

Mama has a tree skirt, too, and never knew what to call it! It's an old felt circular sequined skirt from Mexico and she loves it because she wore it as a child. Pretty tree.

Anonymous said...

That tree skirt is a pretty tranquil place, for sure.

Love and licks,

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood....long time noe see...grate ta see ewe again !!!! hope ewe iz doin sooooooper grate N we hope de dood in red bringz momma kat & her wee onez de best gift ever two.....heerz two each oh em findin ther for everz for ever ♥♥♥♥♥

The Swiss Cats said...

Your white tree is gorgeous ! The tree skirt seems to be a quiet place for sure. Purrs

pilch92 said...

Poor Momma, I hope she gets her forever home for Christmas.And you do look adorable.

Millie and Walter said...

That tree skirt looks like a perfect place to snooze. You look so comfy there Socks.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Thats a pretty tree fer a pretty kitty!

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

What a beautiful tree you have to rest under, Socks!