Tuiren Tuesday

Mommy said I could tell you about our beach walks.

This place is called Front Beach, we park at Fort Maurepas and walk to the beach it has sidewalks for us to walk on. When it is super hot or super cold we walk in the neighborhood instead. They have lots of live oaks so it is usually a pleasant walk all year. Unless we see SQUIRRELS, honestly those things are evil. If you biggify the picture you can see pelicans here. Pelicans are nice they stay over the water and sometimes you can watch them try to catch fish.

We would like to thank Mrs Tammy for sharing the pictures she took, so all of you could see our lovely beach.

I am in trouble because I have been digging up the yard trying to catch crawfish. Those things are tasty. I don't know why the humans get so upset when we dig up the grass trying to catch them. Mommy wants to know if any of you have any ideas on how to prevent me and Fenris from digging. ~Tuiren, reporting for ATCAD


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Thank you for sharing your walk! We love beagles!

The Florida Furkids said...

How nice that you get to walk in such a super place. We have no idea how to stop you from digging up the crawfish.

The Florida Furkids

Unknown said...

Maybe a little very light sprinkling of hot pepper on the crawfish area?

Unknown said...

Or, go to the zoo and get lion manure?

Millie and Walter said...

That looks like a great place for a walk. The only way we have been kept from digging up our yard is to never leave us out without supervision. When Millie was a pup she kept running around and digging holes in all the landscaped areas. We know you like to stay outside by yourself so full time supervision might not be so easy for you. Maybe you can come inside and play with the kitties a bit?

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

oh that beach is beautiful! DakotasDen

Unknown said...

Love all those beautiful pictures!!! So happy for you that your Mommy took you for a walk in such a peaceful place!!! Keep having fun together:)

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Lovely beach and waht a lot of pelicans!

No idea how to stop you from digging...and I, MJF am a digger pup too...BOL! I can help you Turien.