Obsessed #AtoZChallenge

Mommy says I am obsessed with playing.

I turn everything into a toy. Here I am playing with a stick. Please note my stick is a lot smaller than the sticks Fenris plays with.

Here I am playing with a leaf. Leaves do not make good toys, they crumble into small pieces.

And while I may be obsessed with playing, Mommy is obsessed with taking pictures of ME.

She even made a movie of me playing she is so obsessed.

~Chimera, the subject of Mommy's obsession reporting for ATCAD


Summer said...

Chimera, you are so much fun! And so adorable.

Anonymous said...

Way to play, Chi! There's really no reason to pick a toy when you can play with all of them! And no reason to pick a playmate when you can play with all of them!

Love and licks,

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

We are obsessed with looking at your cute little face!

Anonymous said...

FUN!!! Looks like you are loving playing with whatever moves (including the other kitties!). Have fun little one - life as a kitten is the BEST time of all.

Hugs, Sammy

Kala Ravi said...

Too cute Chimera, don't blame mum for being obsessed! Kittens are the most active creatures ever....not a second do they spare on one spot! My mum has one mommy with her two kittens staying in her garden and they sure are an entertaining lot!
@KalaRavi16 from

Katie Isabella said...

Oh Chimera...you are having the very best of times and showing your sweetness with every breath.

Fozziemum said...

Chimera i can totally understand Mums obsession with you :) :) LOves Fozziemum xxx

Millie and Walter said...

We can see why your mom is obsessed with you Chimera. You are so cute playing with whatever you can find even if it's one of your kitty siblings.

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

Ah yes... LEAVES. I know this challenge only too well. They taunt you by being blown around by the wind but when you catch one... disintegration, for sure. MOUSES!


PS. I just wanna add that every time I think it's just not possible for you to get any cuter, you do! purrs

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

Ah yes... LEAVES. I know this challenge only too well. They taunt you by being blown around by the wind but when you catch one... disintegration, for sure. MOUSES!


PS. I just wanna add that every time I think it's just not possible for you to get any cuter, you do! purrs

Jenna said...

You're a typical kitten, Chimera! Everything is a toy and the world is one big playground :)

Unknown said...

I could have watched all day! How do you get any work done around there? And I LOVE the part where she scratches her head to think about what to do next, haha.
This is a pygmy cat and I hope she NEVER gets bigger. We are all in love, hopelessly.

Unknown said...

'O's' a tricky one - that's at least two of us who've gone for animals though!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

chimera....we R obsezzed with stix heer two....therz just sum thin a bout em huh !!! ♥♥♥

Brian's Home Blog said...

You are just cute, cute, cute!!!

Kitties Blue said...

Chimera, you are an amazing ball of kitten energy. And you are growing up so fast. Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

The Island Cats said...

Chimera, we think the best toys are things that aren't supposed to be. :)

Noodle Cat said...

My human spends money on nifty toys for me and then I grab the Q-tips...

Noodle and crew

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

What a fun loving kitten you are!! And no wonder your Mom is obsessed!

pilch92 said...

I am glad your Mom takes a lot of photos of you cutie. Thank you for the kind words you left on my blog on the passing of our Spooky.