Charybdis' Tail

We think Charybdis broke her tail. Luckily there doesn't appear to be any nerve damage. The veterinarian gave her an anti-inflammatory/pain medicine to take. Hopefully it will be better in a few days. If it doesn't get better the only option is to amputate it. Please purr for her.............

On the upside, she seems to feel OK. Not as active as usual but she is still playing up a storm.

April in the Butterfly Garden

These are some wildflowers youngest son and I are particularly fond of.

This is one of my Encore Azaleas. I love the contrast of the dark pink centers and the pale pink.

My Chinese Wisteria. It was a mass of blooms this year. This is the first time the Wisteria have bloomed so I was really excited to see them blooming this year. Wisteria is one of my favourite plants.

This is one of my regular azaleas. The previous owners had planted them next to the house. Needless to say they had to be moved as they covered up the windows. Now they are along my driveway, except for this one. It's down at the pond because Hubby didn't think it was going to survive being transplanted, so he didn't bother to plant it. Can't blame him too much he did replant the other seventeen. This was as far as I could drag it. I like to pick on him about it because the "puny" azalea I planted is doing better then the others. Probably because it isn't next to the oyster shell drive.

Mancat Monday by Socks

After the goslings hatched out they left the island and walked all over our yard looking for sweet grass to eat. We think it is amazing that baby goslings are born knowing how to swim and walk, we guess the only thing they can't do yet is fly.

Being a very wise mancat I know to leave baby goslings alone. Mrs. Goose & Mr. Gander had seven goslings. It took awhile to get it through Charybdis' head that goslings are not for hunting, but being a good big brother I warned her numerous times.

National Day of Prayer for (Some) Christians Only

Thinking Homeschoolers are challenged to write about either National Spankout Day or the National Day of Prayer, by April 30th. I choose the National Day of Prayer to write about.

I used to think what's the big deal. In fact I kind of liked the idea that on one day everyone would come together and pray for our nation and each other.

Then I read Our Official National Day of Religious Supremacism by Frederick Clarkson .

Apparently I have been labouring under the delusion that on this one day we all set aside our differences and pray for one another. Nope all prayers are not created equal and instead of a day to heal it's a day to advance the religious rights agenda. It's time for this mockery to come to an end. Obviously what we need even more then a national day of prayer is a national day of common sense.

From Inclusive Prayer Day
The National Day of Prayer falls on May 1st this year, and in most parts of the country, there is a religious "litmus test" limiting participation to fundamentalist Christian evangelicals. Focus on the Family, the largest organization on the Christian Right, and groups allied with it control the occasion, calling themselves the National Day of Prayer Task Force and asserting that their website is the "National Day of Prayer Official Website."

Our Founding Fathers must be spinning in their graves. They knew first hand the damage having a national religion and relegating those of differing beliefs to a second class status could do.

Photo Hunt ~ Unique / Funny Signs

I saw this at the Bayou Regional when I was there with Team Fusion 364 and I thought it was cute.

Warning about Promeris Flea Preventative

Click here to read more.

Zoey is Missing

Many of us do the photo hunt. TNChick's beagle, Zoey is missing. Zoey is a 4 year old, female, spayed, tri-color, who was/is wearing a black harness, she was lost near/in/around downtown Franklin, KY. You can contact TNChick via email blog (at) tnchick (dot) com

Click here for more information and to see Zoey's picture.

Update ~ Zoey has been found.

Wordless Wednesday

One of the things my tax money is spent on

Golf carts.

Say NO to CHINESE Ingredients

Here is more evidence that we should not buy anything with ingredients from China.

According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) they have new evidence linking a contaminant to deaths and allergic reactions in patients who took the blood-thinner Heparin which were made with ingredients from China.

The adverse events have included allergic or hypersensitivity-type reactions, with symptoms such as low blood pressure, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain.

The FDA says new data from research showed the contaminant, over-sulfated chondroitin sulfate, could trigger side effects such as those reported in the deaths of 81 Heparin patients.

The Chinese are of course denying it's their fault but..............

FDA officials insist they tested the Heparin in question and found the contaminant, and what is more ten other countries had also detected over-sulfated chondroitin sulfate in samples of Heparin made with Chinese ingredients; they are Australia, Canada, China, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, The Netherlands, New Zealand.

Happy Earth Day

We want to thank our friends Opus and Roscoe for sharing this lovely poster with us. You can find Earth Day events for your area here.

A Rose from MoMo

Socks' sweetheart, MoMo gave us this lovely rose in appreciation of our friendship and support. We are very honored she thought of us when handing out this lovely award. We wish to pass it on to Charlie (whose friendship has warmed our hearts and kept our spirits up), Jan's Funny Farm (whose friendship helps lots of kitties and doggies), and Daisy (she always makes us laugh with her Sunday Comics).

Mancat Monday

Remember that stray we told you about. We still don't know anymore about it, but this is a picture Mommy took of me with it. We were off hunting together. You will have to biggify the pictures to get a good look at it, but as you can see we look alike.

Stray cat, Socks & Charybdis

Stray cat & Scylla

I think as a mancat it is very important to befriend others. ~Socks

We know it's name now

Thanks to one of our friends who is very knowledgeable about birds we now know this is an American Bittern.

Support Jack Cafferty

Mr. Cafferty
Speaking about the U.S. trade deficit with China, Cafferty said: "We continue to import their junk with the lead paint on them and the poisoned pet food and export, you know, jobs to places where you can pay workers a dollar a month to turn out the stuff that we're buying from Wal-Mart."

As a pet owner whose beloved cat, Whiskers, died due to deliberately poisoned pet food I concur with his remarks 100% . Call, email or write CNN and support Mr. Cafferty, because Chinese~Americans are trying to get him fired.

Chinese-Americans rallied outside CNN's Hollywood office on Saturday to demand the firing of commentator Jack Cafferty for calling China's goods "junk" and its leaders a "bunch of goons and thugs."

In my book the Chinese who deliberately spiked the wheat gluten they sold to make it appear more protein rich are murderers, their goods are junk and the government leaders that allowed poisoned products to be sold to the United States are goons and thugs. We deserve to be able to speak out about this in order to protect our pets and ourselves from their shoddy goods. Please support Jack Cafferty.

Other post on the pet food the Chinese delibertly poisoned at Alasandra & The Cats and The Last Meow.

You can contact CNN here.


Scylla playing with a lizard

Boy bean's robotics team was ranked #20 out of 86, for the Galileo Division. They are on their way home now. We don't think they got any awards, but it sounds like they had a good time.

Scylla didn't have a parasite after all. The vet isn't exactly sure why her jaw swelled up. But the swelling has gone away and Scylla is feeling great. She is still taking her antibiotic and she appreciates everyone's prayers & purrs. She is so glad she didn't have to have surgery. We apologize for not getting the word out sooner but we have been watching the robotics competition online.

No lizards were harmed in the making of the above picture. Scylla just wanted to say hi to him.


Photo Hunt ~ 13 (Pictures)

1.) This azalea bloom is half white and half pink. I love my Encore Azaleas as they bloom all year. The blooms are also interesting.

2.) Scylla & Charybdis are having a mock battle. Scylla was defeated and left unconscious in the chair. (She is really fine, although she is in danger of falling out of the chair. Mommy thought it was a silly way to sit in a chair).

4.) Scylla & Charybdis are giving Daddy the bitey.

5.) Some wildflowers I like.

6.) I love the little pink violets. On the other hand I DETEST the dollar weed.

7.) Don't wake Scylla up she is sleeping.

8.) Charybdis is getting some Daddy time.

9.) The geese are wondering around in the butterfly garden.

10.) My Camilla is blooming.

12.) This Encore Azalea has a pink bloom and white bloom on the same bush.

13.) My Japanese Magnolia is blooming.

13.) What is Scylla looking at?

My Blood is Boiling

This is a prime example of why I DO NOT WANT UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE.

They own one house on the Florida mainland. We also own another teeny house in the same county. It was our primary residence for years. It's on a boat-only island.

We are also permanent residents of Australia. We rent but do own some investment property that we pay local council rates on. It's inexpensive and a bargain for the infrastructure involved. On a federal level, tax laws in both countries have us paying income tax on any income earned in either country. Money we make in Australia gets taxed as income to us in Australia and in the US. Money made in the US gets taxed as income to us in the US and Australia. Even though we can only earn and live and spend in one country at a time. Fortunately, in one respect, we haven't made much money in Australia. The general income tax rate is around 30%, but with a little bit of legal wangling we can reduce it to nearly half that. Here though, we have free health care and that makes all the difference.

No, it's not FREE. It's paid for with the average Australians taxable income. That is why their taxes are so high. She goes on to say........

Three trips to the emergency room for kids' stitches and one overnight with follow-up testing for me in a two month stretch would have been a huge hit to us in the States, being self-employed and uninsured. But here? No charge. Just part of what every Australian is entitled to.

Why is she uninsured? Considering that she owns one home on the mainland of Florida, a vacation house on a Florida island, a boat, has the money for a boat slip plus is able to travel between Australia and the United States and rents some property in Australia I find it hard to believe she can't afford insurance. I also find it nauseating that she thinks that American TAXPAYERS should provide for her insurance since she chooses not to.

Universal Health care will cause those of us in the middle class who are barely scraping by month to month to pay higher taxes we can ill afford. Not only will we have less disposable income we will wind up with CRAPPY insurance. And unlike the rich (who have numerous houses, boats, boat slips and can afford travel to other countries) we will be unable to afford private policies to supplement the CRAPPY insurance the government will provide us with.

Some common sense approaches to the insurance problem
  • Educate the uninsured about why it is important to BUY insurance before they have health issues. Many can afford insurance but do not think they need it because they are healthy.
  • Allow parents to insure their children for longer. Currently most policies drop children after they reach 19 unless they are in school.
  • Make it easier for people to form health co-ops to purchase group policies.
  • Allow everyone to have flexible spending accounts.

First (Robotics)

Youngest Boy bean is at the First Robotics Competition in Atlanta. You can watch it here. They are through for today, but they will be back on Friday & Saturday. Boy Bean is in the Galileo Division he is a member of #364. We watched it on the puter with Mommy & Daddy cause they didn't get to go. They had to stay home and take care of Scylla.

JAN'S FUNNY FARM: Help Tammy Rothrock

JAN'S FUNNY FARM: Help Tammy Rothrock (We pasted this from JFF as we thought it was important that the word get out ASAP. JFF copied it from Artsy Catsy)

Tammy Rothrock lives in Brazil, Indiana, where she and her husband, in their home of more than 20 years, have been rescuing stray cats and providing them with safe, healthy lives. At present, they have 31 kitties in their large home, all spayed, neutered, and vaccinated, with regular vet care.

The Rothrocks are operating legally: the City of Brazil issued a kennel license to them last year, and they were in the process of organizing as a non-for-profit rescue shelter. Now the city has suddenly decided that her area isn't zoned for "business", that her kennel license isn't valid, and they've ordered her to get rid of all her cats. And they've also ordered her husband to immediately shut down the auto repair business he has operated on the property for more than 20 years!

1) Please read the full information and watch the news video:
Video & TV news: Rescue Shelter forced to shut down
Newspaper: The city of Brazil has gone catty

2) Then, I hope you'll join me in immediately emailing the following city officials to protest their actions and suggest more humane solutions before their "work session" next Thursday:
Michele Altman, City Plan Administrator:
Mayor Ann Bradshaw:
Sam Glover, City Council Member:
Patricia Heffner, City Council Member:
Karen McQueen, Clerk/Treasurer:

3) You can also email a Letter to the Editor of the Brazil newspaper.

4) If anyone has any experience with this kind of situation and might have some advice for the Rothrocks, please email artsycatsy(at)yahoo(dot)com and they will immediately pass your info on to Tammy.

5) Finally, if you could put a link to this story, or re-post it on your blog or Catster, or anywhere else you can think of, it will help get even more emails to these people.*********

Thank you for bringing this to everyone's attention, Artsy Catsy.

We hope lots and lots of kitties and doggies will get their humans to respond and bombard the city with complaints in order to help these folks. We do ask you to be polite, though. Anger and bad words will only make the situation worse for the Rothrocks.

Update: Artsy Catsy is posting correspondence to/from the city officials
here. And AC has is requesting that you forward Artsy Craftsy a copy of any response you receive from the city of Brazil because they are not being straightforward in their responses. To email AC, click here.

Tour the Butterfly Garden (March)

These pictures were taken in March. We made (OK, mainly Hubby made, but I did help some) some more flower beds. Hubby finished the greenhouse. It's wonderful for potting plants, starting seeds, and keeping the plants until the weather is warm enough for them to go outside. Introduced some grass carp into the pond. And of course there was plenty of weeding to do.

I enjoyed the family of geese. The mother goose had a nest on the island and hatched out seven goslings. They were cute wandering around the yard eating grass.

Missing ~ Mama Jessica

Mama Jessica is missing. Click here.

Wordless Wednesday by Charybdis

News by Scylla

I had to leave the Lizard BBQ for a follow up with my regular veterinarian as Mommy wasn't happy without knowing for sure what was wrong with me, even though I seemed to be feeling better. Unfortunately I missed the burping contest, but I did get back in time to see Socks & MoMo doing the tango. They looked really romantic.

(Photo by MoMo)

I guess it's a good thing Mommy didn't listen to me and took me back to the vet I have Cuterebriasis. Cuterebriasis is a condition in which the larvae of the Cuterebra fly develop under the skin. I think this is very GROSS. I am hoping the vet will be able to cut it out Friday, I do not want a larvae under my skin. If you are an outside kitty or dogie please be careful that these rude creatures do not do this to you, Dr. Lisa said she has been seeing a lot of cases this year.

Also Dr. Lisa rescued a stray Mommy cat and her kittens. She is trying to find homes for them. The Mommy cat is a Bobtail, they named her Mrs. Bobby. IF you live on the MS Gulf Coast and you know someone who is willing to give a home to a mommy cat or a kitten please call Big Ridge (228) 872-2088. They are located on Washington Avenue in Ocean Springs.

The humans were gone most of the day. Youngest boy bean got his drivers license. They had to wait a long time in a very crowded building. I am glad I was able to come back home and teleport back to Karl's party before they went on that particular adventure.

We Went to The Cat Realm's Annual Lizard BBQ by Scylla

(Photo by Karl)
We were invited to The Cat Realm's Annual Lizard BBQ and first Blogoversary. Other guest were Kattenpraat, Sassy, Momo, Opus and Roscoe, Charlie, Asta, Momo and Pinot, Charlotte, Riley, & the gang at Jan's Funny Farm.

I am so glad I got to feeling better so I could accompany Socks and Charybdis to the party. I was very worried I would have to stay home.

(Photo by Sassy)Look at the yummy cake they had. It was delicious.

Sassy had brought a pop-up Mariachi with a hole for a face so all the guests could have their picture taken! Right now it's Emil's turn, and you can see how we are all standing in line for this!

Photo's by Karl

The food was so good, I am afraid I may have made a pig of myself.

Here is the famous #1 cat Mariachi band "Los Gatos" with featured dancer Charybdis and guest Mariachis Momo and Socks. I was too tired to participate, but I had fun watching Charybdis dance. She did a really good job.

Parting is very exhausting! Here I am taking a nice rest, Socks & MoMo kept me company while I was resting. Mrs. Oz and the parrot are visiting with MoMo, as she isn't sleepy. Charybdis is off running around somewhere, she had a wonderful time chasing lizards and dancing. Karl has a lovely & very comfortable home, we enjoyed visiting a great deal.

(Picture by MoMo)

Male dancers from l. to r.- Socks, Opus , Roscoe, Riley, Gucci
Female dancers from l. to r. - Momo, Scylla, Sassy, Charlotte, Charybdis

Here we are doing the Jarabe Tapatio - The Mexican Hat Dance. It is associated with Guadalajara in the state of Jalisco, it has become the national dance of Mexico. It is highly stylized, with prescribed movements and costumes. The male wears the classic outfit the Jalisco horsemen or charro, while the female the China, wears a hand-woven shawl and a bright sequined skirt. I just love my green dress, and Charybdis looks lovely in red. Together us cats were very colorful and the dance was beautiful.

MoMo is a very talented singer. She sang Las mañanitas for us.

Our thanks to MoMo and SS for dressing us and all our friends (Karl one of our host, MoMo & Sassy) who sent us pictures to use.

Scylla Update

Scylla seems to be feeling better today. She is eating, drinking and grooming herself. She is determined to be well enough to go to The Cat Realm's Annual Lizard BBQ & Blogoversery tomorrow. They had this award made up for us.

As a token of their appreciation for our presence in their life. Isn't that sweet! It made Scylla feel much better.

In case you didn't know The Cat Realm is having a raffle and they extended the deadline for the raffle to April 15 at midnight Pacific. Emil will do the drawing on the 16th and post the winner on April 17. All money will be donated to Cat Friends Helping Friends!

Scylla seems to be responding well to her medication so Mommy is going to call our regular vet today and ask her if she thinks Mommy should bring her in (The ER vet sent the records to Dr. Lisa so she will have all the pertinent information). But we think barring any unforeseen complications Scylla is on the mend.

Charybdis is being very naughty though, she hisses every time Scylla gets close. Apparently she doesn't like the vet smells, maybe once Scylla has completed her grooming Charybdis will stop with the hissing. It's very annoying.


Under the Weather

Scylla is under the weather, she will be going to the vet first thing in the morning. We don't think it is anything serious, but if you have some purrs to spare please purr for her. ~Socks & Charybdis

A Public Service Announcement from Daisy

One way you can help keep cats and dogs safer in a fire is with pet rescue window decals that will alert rescue personnel that pets are inside your home. And you can get them free from the ASPCA. We are going to order some today. Thanks for getting the word out Daisy.

We are very worried about Lilly Lu, Mu Shue, & Iris whose home was destroyed in a fire. We hope they will be discovered safe and sound. Right now they are missing.

Remembering Our Friends

We are purring for Miral's family.

Sadly Her Majesty has also crossed the rainbow bridge.

Mom Laura's (who is expecting twins) apartment caught on fire when no human was home. She doesn't know what happened to Lilly Lu, Mu Shue and Iris. We are purring that they will be found safe and sound soon. Read more about it at Artsy Catsy: EMERGENCY PURRS & PURRAYERS.

Photo Hunt ~ Twist (ed) by Scylla

We are playing with Daddy. See how Charybdis is twisted around. Too bad Mommy didn't get a picture of Daddy TWISTING around to see what was on his back. He only did it once before mumbling something about putting his back out, how on earth do beans do that? Me & Charybdis love to TWIST.

U.S. Military Kills Cat

A piece of artillery that was apparently misfired by the military crashed through the roof of a home miles away Friday and injured a young girl's cat, which had to be euthanized, officials said.

Poor cat. We are very sad about this.

Health Insurance Massachusetts Style

"The Massachusetts reform law remains the focal point for other states and the nation in trying to figure out if state-based reform is possible," said Alan Weil, head of the Maine-based National Academy for State Health Policy. "It's the biggest game in town."

One of the most radical fixtures of the law is the so-called "individual mandate" - the requirement that virtually everyone have health insurance or face tax penalties.

Anyone deemed able to afford health insurance but who refused to buy it during 2007 already faces the loss of a $219 personal tax exemption. New monthly fines that kicked in this year could total as much as $912 for individuals and $1,824 for couples by December.

How is their experiment going, not well apparently?

Michael Tanner, a senior fellow at the libertarian-leaning Cato Institute, said the law has been an unqualified failure.

Tanner was critical of the connector authority, a "super-regulatory agency" which has mandated levels of coverage. He also noted the vast majority of the newly insured are receiving subsidized care.

"They said it would get us universal coverage and reduce costs and it's done neither," Tanner said.

The biggest challenge is rising costs.

In 2006, a legislative committee estimated the law would cost about $725 million in the fiscal year starting in July. In his budget, Patrick set aside $869 million, but those overseeing the law have already acknowledged costs will rise even higher.

Lawmakers are hoping to close the gap in part with a new cigarette tax expected to generate about $154 million a year.

Happy Gotcha Day Scylla & Charybdis

Today is the day Mommy brought Scylla & Charybdis home, so please drop by and share some birthday cake, fresh catnip and ice-cream with us.

Boy have they grown a lot in a year. Doesn't Scylla look sweet cuddled up to Charybdis?

Charybdis looks really happy to have Scylla's arm around her.
Happy Birthday Sissies from Socks & Mom

Go Orange for Animals

Thanks to Samantha and Mr Tigger we know that today is ASPCA Day and we are going orange.

Butterfly Garden Update

Youngest son and I saw this lovely tree when we were at the nursery to pick up some plants. It is a Bottlebrush Tree also known as Callistemon rigidus, native to Australia. The price tag was a bit steep for us, so I will try to find it in a smaller size. The only one the nursery had was very large, but youngest son was very taken with it.

The nursery was out of the pineapple sage and yarrow I wanted to get for the butterfly garden, but I did get a yellow shrimp plant and a Hibiscus acetosella (not sure what variety). The Hibiscus acetosella has dark red leaves and burgundy flowers. The flowers do not show up very well against the leaves, but they look nice all the same.

I had a nice surprise waiting at home for me. My neighbor gave me a purple salvia, marigolds, begonia, and a petunia along with a sweet pepper and some tomato seedlings.

I'll post pictures of the new additions soon.

Why I am trashing the Oral ~B, Advantage (Glide)

Youngest son and I went to get our teeth cleaned yesterday. As usual we were given a toothbrush, but the toothbrush is DEFECTIVE and has been thrown in the trash. Why? because it will not fit in the toothbrush holder. I found this aggravating enough to inform Procter & Gamble of the problem. Apparently I am not the only one as it was in their frequently asked questions. This was their REALLY STUPID SOLUTION.


Why doesn't my toothbrush fit in my toothbrush holder?


Oral B toothbrushes are designed using the latest in ergonomic handle design. To make the brush fit comfortably in your hand, we slightly increased the thickness of the brush handle. Rubber grip thumb stops on the front and back provide additional comfort, ease of use, a firmer grip, and control. Unfortunately, some of the older-style toothbrush holders are too small for these versions. A solution: place your toothbrush in a glass instead.

Do they really think their customers are so stupid they couldn't figure out that they could use a glass. Obviously if someone took the time to write it was because they were upset that the toothbrush wouldn't fit in the toothbrush holder not because they couldn't figure out on their own that they could stick it in a glass. Whatever idiot wrote this response obviously didn't stop to think that IF someone had wanted to use a glass for their toothbrush they wouldn't have went to the trouble and expense of buying a toothbrush holder. As for it being more comfortable to hold, it isn't for me. I actually found it more bulky and difficult to hold. My solution ~ Toothbrush holders are move expensive then toothbrushes (not to mention buying a new toothbrush holder would mean buying a new shower curtain, soap dish, lotion dispenser, cup and garbage can) so the obvious solution is to toss the WORTHLESS ORAL-B toothbrush and buy a toothbrush that is both comfortable for me to hold and that will fit in my toothbrush holder. The Colgate Extra Clean fits the bill nicely, not only is it comfortable to use it easily fits in my toothbrush holder.